
A blog about Modern Communication for Modern Science

Author: Colin (page 3 of 4)

Twitter now has native photo and video sharing

Twitter is such a strong way to get your word out there, and getting your word out there is what science filmmaking is all about! Share your video using Twitter:

Click here for more information Link from

Nice video about ‘jellyfish’

Many biologists are interested in introducing and explaining the wealth of biodiversity across ecosystems. Here is a nice science video about the diversity of animals encompassed in the group we know as ‘jellyfish’.

This video shows effective use of titling, animations, and narration. This video falls a little bit short on the story side of things (We are always stressing the importance of storytelling in our ScienceFilm workshops), but it provides a nice overview of the group. Do you think this needs more story?

Created by Steven Haddock of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

Vancouver Festival of Ocean Films

Hey folks,

are you interested in, or have you made a film about, the ocean? The Vancouver Festival of Ocean Films is accepting submissions until June 1st.

At VFOF, their goal is to inspire and stimulate people to explore their relationship with the ocean by bringing together local and international filmmakers and presenters in a multimedia event and juried film competition.

You can even win a trip to Antarctica by entering your film. Good luck!

Awesome daily GoPro giveaway

It is no secret that we are big fans of GoPro cameras. They are super versatile and output great quality footage. I watched an interview with the founder/CEO of GoPro, and learned that they do a daily giveaway of ‘everything that they make’. Every day! Click here to enter

ScienceFilm is on Twitter

You can now follow us on Twitter: @ScienceFilm

ScienceFilm Forum is live!

We have created the ScienceFilm forum, a place for everyone interested in science film making to discuss gear and techniques, make announcements, and connect with others who share the same interest. There is also workshop-specific forums for participants to connect before the workshop, and stay in touch after the workshop. We hope it will be a useful addition to the site,

check out the forum here

$14 camera stabilizer

One of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your video production is to make sure that your camera work is either rock solid (i.e. use a tripod), or that your camera movements are fluid and smooth.

There are software plugins (e.g. Stabilizer in iMovie ’09 and newer, or SmoothCam in Final Cut Pro) that allow you to fix shaky video clips. But, we all know it is better to shoot properly in the first place, so you don’t have to spend time fixing your shots later.

There are numerous commercially available ‘SteadiCam’ units, but these tend to be rather expensive. I am always looking out for DIY ways to cut down production costs, so I was pleased to find… the $14 camera stabilizer.

Johnny Chung Lee has a great website with plans, demo videos, and general good advice for making your own camera stabilizer. It may not look as nice as the commercial units, but whatever gets the job done is just fine!

Check out the $14 camera stabilizer here

14$ camera stabilizer

Code of Best Practices for Sustainable Filmmaking

The Centre for Social Media at American University has a great webpage outlining the ‘Best Practices for Sustainable Filmmaking’. They cover everything from feeding yourself ethically on a shoot to calculating the carbon budget for your project. Some great tips here to help you practice what you preach if you are making films about environmental awareness. It may not be possible to do everything on this list immediately, but lots of food for thought.

See the Code of Best Practices for Sustainable Filmmaking here.

Make sure to read right to the bottom; you can download a PDF and all the related documents there.

DC Environmental Film Festival

If you are in the Washington DC area March 15-27, 2011, make sure you check out the DC Environmental Film Festival. Looks like there will be lots of great films and lots of great speakers!

Click here to learn more about it…

Some of the earliest ‘science’ films

The roots of science filmmaking are revealed in this short video from New Scientist. There are some ingenious techniques described here, including a neat intervalometer (for doing timelapse) based on several tin cans and some water. Check it out:

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