Hey folks,
the registration materials for the ScienceFilm Workshop at Friday Harbor are now posted on the ScienceFilm website. Hope to see you there!
Also, a cool TED Talk about the use of video as a teaching tool (forwarded by Brandon Harvey).
Hey folks,
the registration materials for the ScienceFilm Workshop at Friday Harbor are now posted on the ScienceFilm website. Hope to see you there!
Also, a cool TED Talk about the use of video as a teaching tool (forwarded by Brandon Harvey).
We are pleased to announce a 2011 ScienceFilm workshop at the University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs, in Washington State. The workshop will run April 24-May 1, 2011. Registration fees will be announced in the next week. We ran a very successful workshop at FHL last year, the facilities were perfectly suited to our needs, so we are happy to be returning.
For more information about the FHL ScienceFilm workshop, please contact Jeff Morales: jeff@sciencefilm.org.
For more information about Friday Harbor Labs, visit: http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/
Hope to see you there!
A film competition that may be of interest to you. For more information, click here
submitted by 2010 ScienceFilm participant Eric Simms.
In the process of discussing creativity with scientists (and trying to encourage scientists to engage with their own creativity), many questions arise about the origins, the process, and the nature of creativity. In this emerging field of research, there are more questions than answers!
I am always looking for new insights about the creative process, so I found this TED talk to be very interesting. Creative research about a creative topic.
Check out Charles Limb: Your brain on improv:
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Colin & Jeff
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